Rangkuman UU No 11 th 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE)

Perbuatan yang dilarang (cybercrime) dijelaskan pada Bab VII (pasal 27-37) :

1. Pasal 27 (Asusila, Perjudian, Penghinaan, Pemerasan)

2.Pasal 28 (Berita Bohong dan Menyesatkan, Berita Kebencian dan  Permusuhan)

3.Pasal 29 (Ancaman Kekerasan dan Menakut-nakuti)

4.Pasal 30 (Akses Komputer Pihak Lain Tanpa Izin, Cracking)

5.Pasal 31 (Penyadapan, Perubahan, Penghilangan Informasi)

6.Pasal 32 (Pemindahan, Perusakan dan Membuka Informasi Rahasia)

7.Pasal 33 (Membuat Sistem Tidak Bekerja)

8.Pasal 35 (Menjadikan Seolah Dokumen Otentik )

XAMPP 1.8.1: Cannot start Tomcat server using XAMPP Control Panel

My situation is that I was installing XAMPP 1.8.1 in Windows 8 Professional. After finished the installation, I used XAMPP Control Panel to successfully start Apache Server, MySQL Server, and Tomcat Server, respectively.

The problem was that after I stopped all those services and tried to restart them again using XAMPP Control Panel, the Tomcat server could not be started.

Problem: there is an error in the catalina_start.bat in the $XAMPP_HOME directory. So, the script cannot find the CATALINA_HOME. There are two alternative ways to fix this problem.

Fix #1: Use a text editor to edit the catalina_start.bat in the $XAMPP_HOME directory. Search for:

echo [XAMPP]: Using JDK
set "CURRENT_DIR=%cd%"

and change it to

echo [XAMPP]: Using JDK
set "CURRENT_DIR=%cd%"

Fix #2: Change the path in the Start In properties of the XAMPP Control Panel shortcut icon on the Desktop.

  1. Right click on the XAMPP Control Panel shortcut icon on the Desktop to open a context menu
  2. Click on Properties
  3. Change the Start in path from d:\myxampp\tmp\ to d:\myxampp\
  4. Click Apply and OK buttons

XAMPP 1.8.1: Cannot start Tomcat server using XAMPP Control Panel

Membuat frame otomatis berada ditengah layar (Create frame automatic in the center monitor)

        import java.awt.Dimension;
        import java.awt.Toolkit;

        /*Make Frame at the center*/
        Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        Dimension size = this.getSize();
        screenSize.height = screenSize.height/2;
        screenSize.width = screenSize.width/2;
        size.height = size.height/2;
        size.width = size.width/2;
        int y = screenSize.height - size.height;
        int x = screenSize.width - size.width;
        setLocation(x, y);
        /*End */